
Uffizi sue Gaultier for using Botticelli without permission

French designer put Birth of Venus on clothing

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 11 - The Uffizi Gallery is suing Jean-Paul Gaultier over the French fashion designer's unauthorized use of Botticelli's Birth of Venus on his latest collection of clothing.
    Gaultier, who is known for his provocative designs, has used the iconic image on long women's trousers and sleeveless blouses as well as a long skirt and a men's T-shirt.
    The famed Florentine gallery said the fashion house "has used the image of the masterpiece kept in the museum to make some items of clothing, also advertising them on its social media profiles and on its website, without asking for permission, agreeing terms of use or paying a fee as is expressly laid down by law". (ANSA).

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