
Man gets off with 8 yrs for 'consensual' killing of wife

Severely depressed woman had begged to die

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 13 - A 77-year-old Italian man got off with just eight years in jail for killing his 73-year-old wife in a would-be murder-suicide pact near Bologna in August 2021.
    Farmer Mauro Bergonzoni shot his wife Maria Rosa Elmi with his hunting rifle in their car at Castello di Serravalle on August 21 that year before turning the weapon on himself but failing to kill himself.
    Before losing consciousness he asked police "please, shoot me".
    A Bologna court downgraded his charge from premeditated murder to the killing of a consensual victim.
    Elmi had suffered from severe depression for years and had tried to take her own life in 2019, the court heard.
    Prosecutors said she had begged to die. (ANSA).

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