
Catania Mafia clan smashed, 21 arrests

Santapaola-led organization ran protection rackets for years

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 8 - Italian police on Tuesday smashed a Mafia clan based in Catania which had been imposing the 'pizzo' protection racket on local firms for years.
    Hundreds of officers, helped by special teams, served 21 arrest warrants on members of the Lineri Clan of the Santapaola-Ercolano organization led by jailed superboss Benedetto 'Nitto' Santapaola.
    The mafiosi levied the 'pizzo' on local businessmen and traders for years, police said.
    Some 20 businesses were freed from the racket, they said.
    Those arrested have been charged with extortion, attempted robbery, receiving stolen goods, fraudulently taking over assets, and mafia association.
    The probe stated after a noted Catania restaurateur was threatened with two caliber 7.65 bullets in August 2019. (ANSA).

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