
Italy must cut greenhouse emissions by 43.7% under EU deal

Agreement reached between MEPs and Council negotiators

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 9 - Italy will have to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, transport, buildings and small industries by 43.7% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels, according to an agreement on national contributions to EU climate commitments reached by representatives of the European Parliament and European Council late on Tuesday.
    Italy's current target is a 33% reduction.
    Under the agreement, the lowest contribution to meeting the EU's target will come from Bulgaria (10%) and the highest from Sweden (50%).
    The agreement, which will now have to be approved by the European Parliament and the Council, aims to see EU emissions fall by 40% in these sectors.
    The agreement regards sectors not covered by the EU Emissions Trading System.
    A review is scheduled for 2025. (ANSA).

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