
Tragedy boat had 200 on board, no sign of danger -Frontex

rescue op ongoing spokesman tells ANSA

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 28 - A migrant boat that ended up causing a shipwreck tragedy in which over 100 are feared dead off Calabria had 200 people aboard and showed no sign of danger when it was spotted by a Frontex plane Saturday, the European border agency said Tuesday.
    "The boat, carrying about 200 people, was sailing alone and there were no signs of danger. The Italian authorities sent two patrol boats to intercept the vessel, but adverse weather conditions forced them to return to port," a Frontex spokesman told ANSA.
    "The rescue operation was declared in the early hours of Sunday, after the shipwreck was located off Crotone. The operation, coordinated by the Italian authorities, was conducted by land, sea and air with the support of a Frontex ship and aircraft. The operation is ongoing". (ANSA).

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