
Moral duty to avert more migrant disasters says Meloni

We have been mourning tragedies like Sunday's for years says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 1 - Italy has a moral duty to avert more migrant disasters, Premier Giorgia Meloni said in a letter to the EU which earned a place on the March 23/4 EU summit agenda for the migrant question.
    "The shipwreck that occurred a few days ago a few metres from the Crotone coastline, in which dozens of people died, including many children, has shocked us all,'', she said.
    ''Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. In Italy for many years we have been mourning tragedies like the one last Sunday in which those who try to reach our shores in makeshift boats lose their lives at sea.
    ''It is our duty, morally even more than politically, to do everything to prevent misfortunes like these from happening again';. (ANSA).

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