
OpenAI must take action on ChatGPT by 30/4 - watchdog

Authority will lift ban if company complies with requirements

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 12 - OpenAI must take action on ChatGPT by April 30, Italy's privacy watchdog said Wednesday after suspending the chatbot's activities in Italy on suspicion of illicitly harvesting users' data earlier this month.
    OpenAI will have until 30 April to comply with the requirements imposed by the guarantor for the protection of personal data with regard to information, the rights of interested parties, users and non-users, and the legal basis of the processing of personal data for the training of algorithms with user data, the watchdog said.
    "Only then, as the reasons for urgency have disappeared," the watchdog said in a note, "will the Authority suspend the provisional restriction on the processing of Italian users' data taken against the US company, and ChatGPT will be able to become accessible again from Italy." (ANSA).

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