
Coast guard rescues trawler w/ 600 migrants in Maltese SAR

Ports of Augusta and Catania gearing for reception

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 16 - The Italian coast guard on Sunday rescued a trawler carrying some 600 migrants in the Maltese search and rescue (SAR) zone south of Italy.
    The rescue of the fishing boat in difficulty with about 600 migrants on board is being carried out about 170 miles south of the coast of south-eastern Sicily, in Maltese Sar waters, by the Italian Coast Guard.
    Operations are made difficult by bad weather conditions.
    It is likely that the migrants could be transferred to Sicily, but given the large number, a division between the ports of Augusta and Catania is assumed, which are already preparing to receive them. (ANSA).

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