
Pope appeals for end to violence in Sudan

'Path of dialogue must be resumed' says Francis

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 23 - Pope Francis on Sunday appealed for peace in Sudan, where fighting between regular army and rival paramilitary forces has left several hundred people dead.
    "Unfortunately, the situation in Sudan remains serious.
    Therefore, I renew my appeal for the violence to cease as soon as possible and for the path of dialogue to be resumed," said Francis at the Regina Coeli address and blessing, which replaces the usual Sunday angelus blessing at this time of the Church year.
    "I invite everyone to pray for our Sudanese brothers and sisters," he added.
    Francis also said he was due to travel to Hungary on Friday to finish a journey made in 2021 for the International Eucharistic Congress.
    "It will also be a journey to the center of Europe, over which icy winds of war continue to blow," continued the Pope, reminding the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square "not to forget our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are still afflicted by this war".
    "The movement of so many people places urgent humanitarian issues on the agenda," he added.
    Referring to Earth Day on Saturday, the Pope said he hoped that "the commitment to the care for creation will always be united with real solidarity with the poorest people". (ANSA).

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