
Italy wants Ukraine Recovery Conference 2025 - Meloni

Italy can be player in helping Kyiv 'write new chapter'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 26 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Wednesday that Italy wants to host the Ukraine Recovery Conference in 2025.
    "It's our job to help Ukraine to write a new chapter in its history," Meloni said as she addressed a bilateral conference in Rome on the country's reconstruction.
    "Italy has the necessary credentials to be a lead player, not just because of the determination and credibility with which it made its decisions (after Russia's invasion) without ever hesitating, but also because it will be the G7 duty president in 2024.
    "It has been a lead player of the major decisions made in recent years and it is bidding to host the Ukraine Recovery Conference in 2025, which will be a much bigger conference than this, to show our intention to continue". (ANSA).

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