
Govt calls state of emergency for E-R floods

10mn earmarked for immediate interventions says Musumeci

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 4 - The cabinet on Thursday declared a state of emergency for this week's torrential rain and floods in Emilia-Romagna that caused untold damage and left two people dead.
    Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci said "The government is working with the utmost promptness, in agreement with the region, to deal with a serious situation of danger for the safety of people and the evacuation of numerous families due to the overflowing of watercourses, flooding, landslides, and damage to road infrastructure, public and private buildings, hydraulic defence works, and the network of essential services.
    The state of emergency has a duration of 12 months and allocates 10 million for "the most urgent interventions, in agreement with the Region and as an exception to current legislation" (ANSA).

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