(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 8 - Carlo Fuortes has resigned as RAI
managing director because the State broadcaster is in crisis,
Premier Giorgia Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party
said Monday.
"We note the Rai MD's resignation; the all but florid situation
of the radio-TV public service concessionaire is well-known for
months now and does not worry just us," said the FdI members of
the parliamentary RAI surveillance commission amid claims the
government is trying to take over key cultural posts.
"Fuortes's decision to resign, above and beyond the fantastic
reconstructions of some media outlets, has been determined by
his awareness of these difficulties.
"We now hope that the government immediately finds a new MD for
RAI to be able to finally relaunch the central function of the
public service, of its role of real pluralism and defence of the
national cultural industry". (ANSA).
Fuortes quit because RAI in crisis says FdI
Meloni's party denies trying to take over key cultural posts