
ANSA inks new cooperation deal with Indonesia's ANTARA

Exchange of news services,chance to develop commercial offerings

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 12 - ANSA news agency and ANTARA, Indonesia's news agency, have sealed a collaboration accord that envisages the possibility of using their respective news services for editorial use and the opportunity of developing joint commercial offerings for their clients - media, institutions and businesses - in their respective countries The signing of the accord took place in virtual modality in the presence of Italian Ambassador to Indonesia Benedetto Latteri, the director for European affairs of the Indonesian foreign ministry, Widya Sadnovic, and the chargé d'affaires of the Indonesian embassy in Rome, Lefianna Hartati Ferdinandus.
    Ambassador Latteri voiced satisfaction for the accord that has been reached: "Today's accord finally connects the information systems of our countries, significantly shortening the geographical distance, at least in a figurative sense. The exchange of news between ANSA and ANTARA will ensure a more solid reciprocal knowledge between Italy and Indonesia, thus boosting relations in all spheres. I believe that the evolution in the relationship between Rome and Jakarta depends on greater awareness in Italy of what Indonesia is and what it may in future become, a country that is too often known merely as a splendid tourist destination, but which is the fourth-biggest country in the world by population and potentially the fourth-biggest global economy in the near future.
    "The agreement between ANSA and ANTARA is a perfect example of people-to-people exchanges between Italy and Indonesia. I believe that relations between our countries must be based precisely on these relationships, built on a daily basis by the excellent work carried out by our businesses, academics and researchers who have for decades been carrying out their work in the archipelago." The director for European affairs of the Indonesian foreign ministry, Widya Sadnovic, congratulated the agencies on their collaboration and voiced the hope that relations between the two countries will develop further.
    "Within the framework of our need for fast and accurate news, I think this collaboration could be the bridge that we need to strengthen relations between Indonesia and Italy", said Sadnovic.
    ANTARA Director Akhmad Munir, on behalf of the Chairman- Director Meidyatama SuryodiningratIl, said that "this collaboration will enrich the information provided by the ANTARA news agency and it will enrich people's knowledge about Italy.
    In this era of fast and easy-to-obtain information, collaboration between news agencies is important to supply accurate and trustworthy information and news".
    ANSA Managing Director Stefano De Alessandri said "the exchange of the respective news services is essential for a better coverage of what is happening in the two countries.
    "The accord will also constitute an opportunity to stipulate commercial accords able to promote the visibility of Italian firms in Indonesia, and vice versa." (ANSA).

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