(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 16 - The government intends to double the
number of places available in hotspot facilities in Sicily and
Calabria providing initial reception, identification and triage
for migrants and refugees arriving by sea in Italy, the special
commissioner for the migrant emergency Valerio Valenti said on
"Our goal is to double the number of places for migrants in
hotspots in Sicily and Calabria.
Valenti said work will be carried out to improve reception
conditions at the facility on the tiny Sicilian island but
without creating additional places.
Capacity will therefore remain below 400.
Transfers off the island by air and sea will also be stepped up
to prevent overcrowding.
Valenti said the goal is to provide "a dignified reception" also
keeping specific needs in mind and to "try to put a human face
on reception." (ANSA).
Govt to double hotspot places in Sicily, Calabria - Valenti
'Aiming to create at least an additional 1,000 places'