
67.9% of Italians support euthanasia - Eurispes

59.2% are in favour of same-sex marriage

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 24 - Nearly 7 in 10 Italians - 67.9% - are in favor of euthanasia, 68. 8% support living wills and 50% look favourably on assisted suicide, up from 39.4% in 2019, according to the Italy Report 2023 presented by Eurispes on Wednesday.
    Support for same-sex marriage stands at 59.2% and for the adoption of children by same-sex couples at 50.4%, up from 31.1% four years ago.
    The report also found that 58% of Italians are in favour of heterologous fertilisation, or donor insemination, and that 39.5% support surrogacy - hot topics in Italy since the right-wing government of Premier Giorgia Meloni instructed city mayors through the local prefectures to stop registering the children of same-sex couples using a procedure based on the transcription into Italian civic registers of the foreign birth certificates of children conceived via surrogacy, which is illegal in Italy, or assisted fertility, which is only available to heterosexual couples here. (ANSA).

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