
Meloni, Von der Leyen, Rutte meet Saied in Tunis

Presidential palace encounter seeks to obtain coop on migrants

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TUNIS, JUN 11 - Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte had a meeting with Tunisian President Kais Saied at the presidential palace in Tunis on Sunday.
    The aim of the meeting is to obtain Tunisia's full cooperation in limiting the flow of migrants from the North African country to Italy.
    The three European leaders are presenting an investment package that would be available rapidly and they are promising diplomatic efforts to help Tunisia land a 1.9-billlion-dollar loan from the IMF to enable it to ease its severe financial crisis and avert the risk of a default.
    An agreement has not been reached on the loan so far due to Saied's reluctance to agree to the reforms the IMF has requested in order to grant the loan.
    The unstable situation in the North African country has been a major factor in a huge increase in the number of migrants coming to Italy from across the Mediterranean this year.
    Meloni returned to Tunis after having talks with Saied there on Tuesday. (ANSA).

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