
Rome sets up 28 'heat help points'

Temperature in capital forecast to hit record high of 42°

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, JUL 17 - Rome's Civil Protection Department is setting up 28 'heat help points' dotted around the city in a bid to prevent people having health problems with temperatures forecast to reach a record high in the capital of 42° or 43° Celsius on Tuesday.
    "We'll give out empty water bottles to be filled from fountains," said Rome Civil Protection Chief Giuseppe Napolitano, who added that the help points would be manned by 80 of the department's volunteers.
    "We want to stop the bad turns before they start, especially when it comes to the elderly".
    The Colosseum, Piazza Venezia and the Ottaviano metro station near to the Vatican are among the areas chosen for the help points. (ANSA).

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