
Bardonecchia buried in mud after flood

Five people reported missing have been traced

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, AUG 14 - Five people reported missing in Bardonecchia after a wave of mud, water and detritus triggered by a landslide at high altitude swept through the town on Sunday night have been traced, Piemonte Governor Alberto Cirio said on Monday.
    "I am in direct contact with the mayor, who has confirmed that there are no victims and that the five people initially considered missing have also been traced," said Ciro after speaking to Bardonecchia Mayor Chiara Rossetti.
    "This is certainly good news. However, the damage is very significant and I have already spoken to Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani, who has said the government is available to do its part to help us deal with this situation," he added.
    One person is reported to have sustained slight injuries in the unexpected flood after the local Merdovine river burst its banks.
    A total of 120 people are also said to have been displaced by the flooding and are now being accommodated in a camp set up by the Italian Red Cross in a local sports facility and in hotels.
    Firefighters reportedly intervened to rescue six people trapped in a camper that was swept downstream by the floodwater.
    The local police station and hotel La Betulla are both badly damaged and the entire local fleet of police cars has been destroyed.
    Local bridges have also been damaged, rendering the Alpine town near the French border inaccessible to all but the emergency services.
    Gas supplies have been turned off in the area to prevent explosions and the city council has told residents to expect disruptions to water and electricity supplies.
    Carabinieri police have also shored up the town, a popular tourist destination in summer, against the threat of looting.

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