
No critical issues in dam above Bardonecchia says Cirio

Piemonte governor says 'situation currently under control'

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, AUG 14 - The Rochemolles dam in the area above Bardonecchia where the landslide started before flowing into a local river and flooding the Val de Susa town does not present any critica issues, Piemonte Governor Alberto Cirio and the Civil Protection Councillor Marco Gabusi said on Monday.
    "The situation is currently under control," they said.
    "The anomalous wave of mud and debris has affected many cars and damaged roads and bridges, but for now there are no human casualties." "Inspections have already been carried out on the Rochemolles dam and show no criticalities," they added.
    Photo: Piemone refional governor Alberto Cirio. (ANSA).

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