
Anti-gay general stands by what he wrote

Constitution guarantees freedom of speech says Roberto Vannucci

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 18 - An Italian army general who was sacked after making anti-gay remarks in a self-published book said after he was relieved of his command Friday that he stood by his words and the Italian Constitution protected free speech.
    "The Constitution guarantees freedom of speech. No incitement to hatred from me. I do not feel like backtracking, I claim what I wrote. I never use vulgar or trivial words: I freely express my thoughts," said General Roberto Vannacci commenting on 'Diario del Giorno' on Rete 4 on his removal as head of the Military Geographical Institute in Florence after the controversy surrounding his book.
    Vannacci, 55, caused a storm with his views that homosexuals are "not normal". (ANSA).

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