
Too many on the right discover freedom of expression says SI

FdI shares anti-gay general's views says Paglia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 20 - Too many people on the right have discovered the Constitutional right to freedom of expression in defending an anti-gay general who has been sacked for airing his views in a self-published book, Italian Left (SI) economy pointman Giovanni Paglia said Sunday.
    The coordinator of Premier Giorgia Meloni's Borthers of Italy (FdI) party, Giovanni Donzelli, on Sunday defended General Roberto Vannucci's right to express his negative opinions about gays, Jews, migrants, feminists and climate activists.
    Paglia said: "If the lowest staffer on the smallest Italian town council writes a comment that they don't agree with, the right asks for his immediate sacking and stoning.
    "But if an army general launches a homophobic, sexist, racist and antisemitic crusaded, in this country it can happen that too many exponents of the right in government discover freedom of expression".
    Paglia said "the reality is that they share (his views) word for word".
    photo: SI leader Nicola Fratoianni (ANSA).

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