
Union chief Landini vows to up the fight to defend workers

National safety prosecutor needed says Cgil leader

Redazione Ansa

(see related story on rail disaster) (ANSA) - ROME, SEP 4 - Cgil trade-union leader Maurizio Landini on Monday vowed to ramp up action to defend workers as he took part in a procession in Vercelli for the five rail maintenance workers killed in an accident at Brandizzo station near Turin last week.
    "All the risks end up being dumped on the workers and it is time to say no more, its time for change," Landini said.
    "We have staged strikes. Now we must raise the level of protest even further.
    "It is time to have a national safety prosecutor's office and to put together everyone who has responsibilities (for health and safety), invest in the labour inspectorate and in safety.
    "The government must realize that is it necessary to open a serious discussion on this.
    "The big groups, such as (rail company) FS and (highways agency) Anas must address this situation". (ANSA).

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