
Cop named commissioner to clean up Caivano

Ciciliano to manage 30 mn euro project to end decay

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 7 - A high ranking police officer was named by the cabinet Thursday as commissioner to lead the clean-up of Caivano, a mafia, youth crime and drug riddled town near Naples where two cousins aged 10 and 12 weer raped by a gang pf youths last month, sources said.
    The officer, Fabio Ciciliano, has been appointed commissioner for the redevelopment of Caivano.
    Ciciliano, who comes from the ranks of the State Police, will have the task of managing the EUR 30 million that a decree law approved Thursday allocates for the intervention plan aimed at tackling situations of crime and degradation, social vulnerability, and youth malaise in the Campania municipality.

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