
State is standing up says Meloni on Caivano Decree

'Didn't enter before because dangerous' says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 7 - The State is standing up and putting itself out there with its Caivano Decree cracking down on youth crime, Premier Giorgia Meloni told a press conference on the measure named after the Naples-area town where two cousins aged 10 and 12 were allegedly raped by a youth gang last month.
    "I wanted to be here because I think that the work we have brought to the cabinet today is made up of important regulations on some matters where in the past the State preferred to deal with something else, it gave the signal that on some issues it was better not to enter and stand up and take responsibility because it was dangerous." she said.
    "I think today's is a sign of a State that decides to stand up and get into into complex and difficult matters". (ANSA).

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