
Migrant emergency could hit the whole EU - Meloni

Von der Leyen's visit shows 'awareness' of the problem

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 17 - Premier Giorgia Meloni on Sunday warned that the migrant emergency Italy is facing could soon affect the whole EU as she visited Lampedusa with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
    "If anyone thought that, in the face of the current global crisis, this issue would go away, they were mistaken," Meloni told a news conference.
    "With this level of (migrant) flows, if we do not all work together, the border states will be affected first and then everyone else will.
    "It is a problem that involves everyone and must be tackled by everyone.
    "The presence of von der Leyen (here) is a sign of awareness".

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