
Italy to closely follow EU migrant commitments says Meloni

With special eye on Tunisia deal says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 18 - Italy will closely follow the commitments on migrants made by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on her visit to Lampedusa Sunday, and especially a pledge to free up cash for a landmark deal with Tunisia, Premier Giorgia Meloni said after the cabinet approved a package on the migrant emergency Monday.
    "The government will follow with great attention, step by step, the commitments that Europe has undertaken with Italy, starting with the commitment to quickly release the resources provided for in the Memorandum with Tunisia," she said.
    The memorandum signed by Meloni, von der Leyen and Dutch PM Mark Rutte with President Kais Saied in mid-July provides for a "strategic and comprehensive partnership" aimed at combatting irregular migration and boosting economic ties between the bloc and the North African country, which lies on a major route for migrants and refugees travelling to Europe.
    Meloni stressed: "The presence of President von der Leyen in Lampedusa yesterday is very important also from a symbolic point of view.
    "The presence of Europe at the borders most exposed to mass illegal immigration underlines that those of Lampedusa are not only Italian borders but also European ones." Lampedusa, Italy's southernmost tip, lies closer to Tunisia than to Italy. (ANSA).

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