
185 migrants arrive on Lampedusa, 1,544 in hotspot

Transfers by ferry to Porto Empedocle resume

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 19 - Some 185 migrants and refugees arrived on Lampedusa on Tuesday after the boats they were travelling on were intercepted by coast guard and finance police patrol boats and escorted to port.
    The new arrivals took to 1,544 the number of people in the hotspot, after a total of 475 people landed on the island on Monday.
    A group of 450 migrants and refugees were due to be transferred off the island by passenger ferry to Porto Empedocle on mainland Sicily later in the day.
    Transfers resumed on Monday evening after the authorities resolved a problem of overcrowding at the tent camp set up at the port to receive people arriving from Lampedusa. (ANSA).

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