(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 21 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister
Matteo Salvini's League party said Thursday that it was
demanding the head of Christian Greco, the director of Turin's
Egyptian Museum, for a discount he gave in the past to Muslim
League Deputy Secretary Andrea Crippa said that Greco should
"perform an act of dignity and resign," arguing he was guilty of
being "racist towards Italians and Christians".
"We'll do everything to have him kicked out and we ask Culture
Minister (Gennaro) Sangiuliano to sack him if he doesn't
resign," Crippa told Affaritaliani.it
He said the case of the discount, which dates back some time,
led to a legal battle that culminated with him being cleared
after Greco reported him for asking people to protest against
Several opposition politicians came to Greco's defence.
Daniela Ruffino of the centrist Azione party said that,
according to Crippa's logic, he should also ask for
Sangiuliano's resignation over the decision to exempt Rome
residents from paying an entry fee to the Pantheon, thus
discriminating against other Italians.
"Seeking to use Christian Greco, an Egyptologist of universal
fame and esteem, to conduct a religious war against Islam says a
lot about how low political combat can go," Ruffino said.
League wants museum chief sacked over Muslim discount
Turin Egyptian Museum chief accused of racism against Italians