
Napolitano always sought common good says pope

Pontiff remembers former president with emotion, grattude

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 22 - Giorgio Napolitano, the two time Italian president who has died at 98, always sought the common good, Pope Francis said in a message of condolences to his widow after his death in a Rome clinic Friday.
    His death "has aroused in me feelings of emotion and at the same time of gratitude for this statesman who, in the performance of his high institutional duties, showed great gifts of intellect and sincere passion for Italian political life, as well as a lively interest in the fate of nations", said the Argentine pontiff.
    "I gratefully recall the personal encounters I had with him,' the Pope recalled in a telegram to his wife Clio Bittoni, "during which I appreciated his humanity and farsightedness in taking important decisions with rectitude, especially in delicate moments for the life of the country, with the constant intention of promoting unity and concord in a spirit of solidarity, animated by the search for the common good." (ANSA).

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