
Napolitano: Faithful interpreter of the Constitution - Mattarella

Guarantor of values of community, devoted to workers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 22 - Giorgio Napolitano, the two-time former president who has died at 98, was a faithful interpreter of the Italian Constitution, his successor Sergio Mattarella said.
    "Elected to the highest magistracies of the State, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Senator for life, President of the Republic for two terms, he interpreted the role of guarantor of the values of our community with fidelity to the Constitution and acute intelligence, with heartfelt attention to the demands of renewal present in society," said the head of State.
    "Devoted to the cause of workers, inexhaustible was his action to combat the spiral of deaths at work. I am deeply saddened by his death" and "I extend to his family the condolences of the entire nation". (ANSA).

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