
Legal issue can't become personal - migrant decree judge

Measure can be taken to high court, not for me to defend

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 2 - A purely legal issue can't become personal, a Catania judge who struck down the government's migrant decree and freed three Tunisians declaring the measure incompatible with EU law said Monday after attacks alleging she was biased against the government.
    "I do not want to enter into the controversy, nor into the merits of the matter," said Judge Iolanda Apostolico.
    "My decision can be challenged by appeal to the 8supreme) Court of Cassation, I don't have to defend it.
    "It is not part of my duties.
    "And then one should not turn a legal issue into a personal matter".
    Premier Giorgia Meloni has said she was astonished by the ruling while her Brothers of Italy (FdI) party said Apostolico was biased against the rightwing government. (ANSA).

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