
Migrant-ruling judge 'bias' not surprising says Salvini

Courts must not become the HQ of the Left says deputy premier

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 2 - Deputy Premier and Transport and Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini said Monday that reports of allegedly bias by the judge who ruled against the government's migrant decree last week were "serious but not surprising".
    The League has presented a parliamentary question to Justice Minister Carlo Nordio about the case after daily newspaper Il Giornale reported on posts on the social-media accounts of the judge in question, including one in 2018 calling for a motion of no-confidence in Salvini when he was interior minister.
    "The courts cannot be turned into the headquarters of the left," the minister said.
    Salvini adopted a controversial closed-ports policy to NGO-run migrant-rescue ships when he interior minister between 2018 and 2019.
    He is currently on trial in Palermo for alleged abduction and refusal to perform official duties after preventing around 150 migrants and refugees on board a rescue ship operated by Spanish NGO Open Arms from disembarking as part of the policy in August 2019.
    A hearing will tale place on Friday.
    "I will go to the hearing on Friday in Palermo where I risk up to 15 years in prison for defending the borders (of Italy) and drastically reducing (migrant-boat) landings and tragedies at seam" he said.
    "Those who have a clear conscience do not get be intimidated" He also added that the government will press ahead with reforms to separate the careers of magistrates and prosecutors and make magistrates liable under civil law for their mistakes. (ANSA).

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