
Electric cars EU nonsense says Salvini

Trains spur real sustainability, transition,e-cars gift to China

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 3 - Electric cars a load of nonsense imposed by Brussels, Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said Tuesday.
    Salvini, who is also deputy premier, told the Expo Ferroviaria railway show that "trains and railways bring sustainability and a real ecological transition, not the nonsense of electric cars for everyone and at all costs that are just an enormous gift for China".
    He added: "I thank all those who are working in the rail sphere and who are the real supporters of the ecological transition, without leaving jobless thousands of workers which instead the crazy choices of Europe in the car sector risk leaving at home".
    In other remarks, Salvini insisted that the funding for the world's longest suspension bridge linking Sicily and mainland Italy across the Messina Strait would be in the 2024 budget.

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