
Meloni-Scholz 'satisfied' at migrant agreement

Bilateral lasted 45 minutes says premier's office

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 6 - Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed "satisfaction" at the agreement reached in Brussels earlier this week on crisis management within the context of negotiations on the EU's new Pact on migration and asylum during their bilateral on the sidelines of the informal European Council meeting in Granada, Spain, the premier's office at Palazzo Chigi said on Friday.
    The leaders reportedly "discussed the main European issues at the heart of the Council, with a particular focus on the migration issue, expressing satisfaction at the agreement reached in Brussels on the regulation of crises".
    Palazzo Chigi added that Meloni and Scholz, noting the excellent level of cooperation between Rome and Berlin, agreed to meet at the Italian-German intergovernmental summit in Germany at the end of November.
    The bilateral lasted around 45 minutes.
    The meeting came after a spat between Rome and Berlin over Germany's decision to fund NGOs that carry out search-and-rescue operations in the central Mediterranean and disembark rescued the migrants and refugees in Italy.
    There had also been differences between the two States over the key crisis management section of the new EU pact on migration and asylum, but agreement was reached on this on Wednesday after Germany dropped an amendment. (ANSA).

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