
Beppe Grillo acquitted of assaulting journo

Facts clear but attack too 'tenuous' to be liable

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 20 - Stand-up comic and co-founder of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) Beppe Grillo was acquitted Friday of assaulting a TV journalist at a Tuscan seaside resort in the summer of 2020.
    A Livorno court found Grillo, 75, not guilty of private violence and personal injury against journalist Francesco Selvi after the comedian snatched his mobile phone from his hand during an interview attempt and pushed him, causing a distortion to his knee.
    In the incident, on the beach at Marina di Bibbon, Selvi was trying to get an interview for the Berlusconi channel show Diritto e Rovescio.
    The court said the facts of the case were clear but the alleged assault was too "tenuous" to be criminally liable. (ANSA).

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