
In 2023 2 jihadists arrived in Italy by sea, repatriated

We intercept these individuals at hotspot checks - Piantedosi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 20 - Two suspected jihad fighters arrived in Italy by sea earlier this year and were immediately arrested and deported, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said Friday.
    "The fight against irregular immigration is one thing and the fight against terrorism is another: arriving by sea allows us to intercept more effectively, as has been the case, all the characters who show up on that route," he told Rai radio.
    "This year, in at least two cases, we have intercepted characters who were not trustworthy, for whom we found traces of contiguity with Islamic radicalisation organisations in the countries of origin: they were arrested and repatriated.
    "We do this because we are organised in the hotspots of first entry through a cross-referencing of databases". (ANSA).

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