
Respect needed with countries like Tunisia, Egypt - Meloni

Sometimes respect lacking with Tunisia, no to paternalism - PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 26 - Respect is needed with countries like Tunisia and Egypt, Premier Giorgia Meloni said on arriving at the extraordinary EU summit on the Middle East in Brussels on Thursday.
    "I have said this and I reiterate it, you can't think of talking to another nation with a paternalistic or superior approach," she said.
    "If you decide to talk about a strategic partnership you must show respect and that has been missing with Tunisia at times." Tunisia rejected a first tranche of EU aid under a memorandum of understanding signed by Meloni, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte earlier this year describing it as charity.
    EU sources said Tunis had expected more. (ANSA).

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