
Budget seeks to help less wealthy says Giorgetti

Wasn't easy to select from many legitimate requests - minister

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, OCT 31 - Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti on Tuesday defended the government's 2024 budget bill, saying it seeks to help the less wealthy sectors of society.
    "It was not easy to select from the many requests, all legitimate, during the debate within the executive (on the budget)," Giorgetti said on World Savings Day.
    "We decided to focus on support for the less well-off".
    Among other things, the 28-billion-euro budget bill will maintain a six-percentage-point reduction in the labour-tax wedge for those earning up to 35,000 euros a year and the seven-percentage-point reduction for those earning up to 25,000 euros. (ANSA).

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