
Inflation plunges to 1.8% in October

Down from 5.3% in September

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 31 - Italy's annual inflation rate fell to 1.8% in October, down from 5.3% in September, according to provisional data released by Istat on Tuesday.
    It had not been this low since July 2021.
    The national statistics agency said the fall in the annual inflation rate was due to the prices of non-regulated energy products going from +7.6% to -17.7%, regulated energy products going from -27.9% to -32.7%, unprocessed food going from +7.7% to +5.0% and processed food including alcohol going from +8.9% to +7.4%.
    The national statistics agency said its consumer price index fell by 0.1% in month-on-month terms. (ANSA).

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