
Italian economy holding up amid difficulties -Giorgetti

Debt will come down if global recession averted - minister

Redazione Ansa

(see related stories on GDP, Giorgetti) (ANSA) - ROME, OCT 31 - Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said Tuesday that the Italian economy was performing well given the difficult international situation and expressed optimism about bringing down Italy's huge public debt.
    "The Italian economic system, despite all the difficulties, has managed to hold up in the face so many critical factors occurring at the same time," he said.
    "If we manage to avoid the risk of a new global recession by ensuring acceptable growth rates, something which does not seem entirely improbable, it is realistic that we will be able to gradually reduce the weight of public debt and create new employment opportunities".
    Giorgetti added that the situation with Italy's public finances meant that the government's "levers" to take action with are more limited than "those available to other partners". (ANSA).

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