(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 3 - Centre-left opposition Democratic
Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein on Friday reiterated the PD's
contention that government plans for the direct election of the
premier by the Italian people were dangerous and would dismantle
the parliamentary system.
"It is a botched and dangerous reform because it weakens
Parliament again, it is a reform that limits the prerogatives of
the President of the Republic and dismantles the parliamentary
form," Schlein told Tg2.
It is no coincidence that they are presenting it right now to
cover up the fact that the budget lacks the answers that the
country needs on the economic and social terrain."
The planned Constitutional reform was approved by cabinet
earlier Friday. (ANSA).
Premiership dangerous, dismantles parliamentarism - Schlein
Botched reform limits president's prerogatives says PD chief