
Italy-Albania migrant deal sealed on 'holiday'

Historic not just for Italy but for whole EU say Chigi sources

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 6 - Premier's office sources said a "historic" deal on managing migrant flows between Italy and Albania was sealed on the mid-August Ferragosto holiday when Premier Giorgia Meloni had previously been reported as merely on vacation in Albania.
    The protocol on the management of migratory flows between Rome and Tirana was essentially closed in mid-August between Meloni and Prime Minister Edi Rama, while the premier was in Albania, the sources said.
    The agreement came "during the meeting that the two leaders held and which was narrated as a simple holiday".
    "Instead, far form aperitifs...", noted the sources at Palazzo Chigi, explaining that the agreement will be operational by spring 2024.
    "It is the first agreement of this kind," they added, "a historic agreement not only for Italy but for the entire European Union." (ANSA).

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