
11 Germans arrested over mayhem before Napoli-Union Berlin

Police intervention averted 'urban warfare'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 8 - Eleven German nationals were arrested in Naples as they clashed with police and rioted in the southern city late on Tuesday before Wednesday's Champions League match between Napoli and Union Berlin.
    Ten of the fans were arrested in central Naples, where a large group of German supporters smashed up cars and a shop and attacked police with stones, metal bars, clubs and firecrackers.
    Another German fan was arrested by police in the Secondigliano district for causing bodily harm and violence against a public official and resisting arrest. Naples Police Chief Maurizio Agricola said the German fans had deliberated engaged in the clashes with police.
    "The aim of the German ultras was to try and clash with the Napoli fans," Agricola said.
    "That would have led to urban warfare, but the preventative work of the police stopped them coming into contact". (ANSA).

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