
Don't understand how this happened says Turetta's dad

Still in shock, we loved Giulia says Nicola Turetta

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 19 - The father of Filippo Turetta, a 22-year-old Padua university information engineering student suspected of murdering his 22-year-old ex girlfriend Giulia Cecchettin a week ago, on Sunday told reporters he and his family didn't understand how such an incident could have happened.
    "We are still in shock at what our son has done. We don't understand how something like this could have happened, and we offer our deepest condolences, we are very close to Giulia's family, because we loved her", Nicola Turetta told journalists Sunday evening as he left their house in Torreglia (Padua).
    "We knew (Giulia) well. She used to come here with Filippo to see us. They seemed a perfect couple; no one will bring Giulia back again. We are very close to this family, and we cannot understand how a boy to whom we tried to give everything could have done such a thing". (ANSA).

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