
'Filippo's guilt obvious to me and everyone' says Salvini

Vice PM, League leader denies Giulia's sister claim

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 19 - Deputy Premier, Transport Minister and rightwing League party leader Matteo Salvini on Sunday denied casting doubt on the guilt of the ex boyfriend of murdered Italian student Giulia Cecchettin, as her sister had claimed.
    Salvini said the guilt of 22-year-old Filippo Turetta, arrested in Germany earlier Sunday in the murder of 22-year-old Cecchettin, was obvious to him and to everyone.
    "For murderers life imprisonment, with compulsory labour. For rapists and paedophiles - of whatever nationality, skin colour and social status - chemical castration and jail." Salvini said.
    "This is what the League has always proposed, we hope others will finally support and follow us.
    "Obviously, as provided for by the Constitution, after a conviction established in court, wishing for a quick trial and no do-gooderism, even if Filippo's guilt seems obvious to me and to everyone": (ANSA).

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