
Giulia:Not had response on joint GBV work w/ Meloni -Schlein

But we'll keep seeking space, start with education - PD chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 19 - Centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein told Italian TV Sunday she had not yet received a response from Premier Giorgia Meloni for joint action aainst gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide in light of the murder allegedly by her ex boyfriend of Veneto student Giulia Cecchettin.
    "Let's put aside the political clash. I still havent had any response but we are there, we'll keep seeking a space for joint work" she told In Mezz'ora on Raitre.
    "I turned to Meloni to say, at least on this let's leave the political clash to one side and let's try to bring the country forward one step.
    "Repression is not enough, in order to uproot the toxic patriarchal culture you have to start with education for respect and affectivity in the schools. I asked Meloni to approve a law together". (ANSA).

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