
Turetta tired and resigned at time of arrest

Car stopped on hard shoulder after running out of petrol

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 19 - Filippo Turetta, a 22-year-old Padua university information engineering student arrested in Germany in the murder of his ex and fellow 22-year-old student Giulia Cecchettin near Pordenone last week, appeared tired and resigned when German police caught up with him on an international warrant from Venice on a highway outside a spa town near Leipzig Sunday morning, judicial sources said.
    When Turetta was arrested, he did not resist, and on the contrary, to the German traffic police officers who stopped him, he appeared tired and resigned, as if he were eager to turn himself in, said the German authorities.
    Turetta's car was stopped in the emergency lane because, according to the agents, it had run out of gas and he had no money to refuel again. (ANSA).

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