
Within 48h Turetta in Italy to be tried - Tajani

Laws not enough, really need to start educating our young people

Within 48h Turetta in Italy to be tried - Tajani

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 19 - Filippo Turetta will be extradited from Germany to Italy to be tried for the murder of ex-girlfriend Giulia Cecchettin within 48 hours, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said after the 22-year-old Padua university student was stopped on a highway near Leipzig earlier in the day on an international warrant for the murder of the 22-year-old fellow engineering student.
    "Thanks to the cooperation between our law enforcement agencies and the German ones, this young man, Filippo Turetta, has been arrested, and I believe that within 48 hours he will be in Italy to stand trial" Tajani said in an interview with Tg2 from Taormina.
    "But the trial is not enough, laws are not enough, we really need to start educating our young people, from a very young age, to respect women, their sisters, mothers, schoolmates. "This is how we change," the FM stressed. (ANSA).

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