
MPS 20% sale at 6% discount

Price guidance at 2.89 euro, share worth 728mn

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 20 - The government is offering 20% of its 64.2% share in Tuscan lender Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) at a 6% discount, the economy ministry said Monday.
    The minitsry has put 252 million shares of MPS up for sale through an accelerated book building on the basis of a price guidance of EUR 2.89 per share, a discount of around 6% compared to the stock market close (EUR 3.07).
    If confirmed, the price would bring the Treasury about EUR 728 million. This is what emerges from the placement's term sheet, which also includes a 90-day lock-up period for the Treasury.

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