
Not war but terrorism in Israel and Palestine says Pope

'Here we have gone too far', 'Please pray for peace'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 22 - The conflict in Israel and Palestine has gone beyond war and is terrorism, Pope Francis said during the general audience at the Vatican on Wednesday.
    "This morning I received two delegations, one of Israelis with relatives who are hostages in Gaza and another of Palestinians with relatives who are imprisoned in Israel," said the pope.
    "They suffer so much, I heard how they both suffer," he continued.
    "Wars do this, but here we have gone beyond war: this is not war, it is terrorism," said Francis.
    "Pray hard for peace," he insisted.
    "We pray for the Palestinian people, we pray for the Israeli people, that peace may come," concluded the Pope. (ANSA).

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